Thursday, February 23, 2017

Food for Thought

Image Credit: Old Building Gallery
Buildings are kind of strange, aren’t they? When they’re built, they are extravagant and strong, even if it’s just a small and simple house. It's new and interesting.

After time though, the building starts to crumble and regular maintenance becomes needed. Without it, the building becomes decrepit and strange looking. Abandoned buildings are scary looking; like the image above, who knows the last time a human touched these walls? When did people stop caring enough to keep the building from falling apart?

Buildings need someone to take care of them, or they fall apart and become a distant memory.

Growing up, I was often told "your body is a temple." It didn't really mean much to me as a kid. I thought it was just fancy talk for take care of yourself, maybe for treating yourself like a god, but I never really understood the comparison.

But it kind of makes sense now, doesn't it? A body needs attention too-- someone has to keep up maintenance on the body just like the building. Without it, the body becomes decrepit and strange looking.

Bodies and buildings become weak when not cared for.

So treat your body like a temple. Take care of yourself, through eating well and regular exercise (both things that I myself am still working on). With buildings, when they get bad enough, they're torn down and rebuilt brand new. You can't do this with your body. So start now and repair the damage done before you're stuck picking up the pieces.

Just some food for thought.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Journey Away from the Bell

I was never the healthiest person, but I definitely used to be better than I am now. Gym was a requirement in school, so I  was forced to be active even when I didn't want to be. I was always home for dinner, where my parents had at least somewhat healthy meals ready for me. My sleep schedule used to... well, exist.

These days I live in the drive thru, spending too much money and eating too many calories. I sleep too much. The last time I actually worked out was in my freshman year of high school.
People all around me are jumping on the Herbalife craze and losing weight and getting in shape, while I watch others blow up like balloons. In fear of being the latter, I've decided to get myself together.

Image Credit: Don Roberto

My goal is not to lose weight-- my goal is to take back control of my body.

A flat stomach and no 'love handles' would be lovely, though.

I want my energy levels to improve, and I don't want to be out of breath from doing literally anything physical. I want to feel like myself again.

I'm probably going to try the Herbalife thing just to see what all the hype is about. I will set up some sort of workout regimen (I haven't put any real thought into that, so advice is more than welcome), and, as much as it pains me to say it, cutting back on Taco Bell. I'm not going to say I won't ever eat it again, because let's be honest, Taco Bell is life. But having it three times a week might be actually killing me.

So join me on my journey away from the Bell, if you will. Advice, criticisms, anything is welcome. I have no idea what I'm doing so I'll accept any kind of help.

I hope to see you soon!