Thursday, February 23, 2017

Food for Thought

Image Credit: Old Building Gallery
Buildings are kind of strange, aren’t they? When they’re built, they are extravagant and strong, even if it’s just a small and simple house. It's new and interesting.

After time though, the building starts to crumble and regular maintenance becomes needed. Without it, the building becomes decrepit and strange looking. Abandoned buildings are scary looking; like the image above, who knows the last time a human touched these walls? When did people stop caring enough to keep the building from falling apart?

Buildings need someone to take care of them, or they fall apart and become a distant memory.

Growing up, I was often told "your body is a temple." It didn't really mean much to me as a kid. I thought it was just fancy talk for take care of yourself, maybe for treating yourself like a god, but I never really understood the comparison.

But it kind of makes sense now, doesn't it? A body needs attention too-- someone has to keep up maintenance on the body just like the building. Without it, the body becomes decrepit and strange looking.

Bodies and buildings become weak when not cared for.

So treat your body like a temple. Take care of yourself, through eating well and regular exercise (both things that I myself am still working on). With buildings, when they get bad enough, they're torn down and rebuilt brand new. You can't do this with your body. So start now and repair the damage done before you're stuck picking up the pieces.

Just some food for thought.


  1. Beautifully said. When we are young it is easy to put anything in our body just because it tastes good with no regards to the effect the food is having on our body. Even though our bodies are amazing and can rebuild most of itself it is all contingent on how well we have taken care of it through out our life.

  2. I like this blog a lot because I go by that method of "your body is a temple" my whole life. I liked how you compared the body to the building and explaining the way to take care of your body like a building. One will have to not let their body go it will fall apart like a building would. Very fun topic and interesting read.
